Medical Drone Transport

Design Challenge
“How do we ensure efficient and secure transportation of blood samples between hospitals and laboratories during night shifts using drones, while integrating with existing stakeholder systems?”

My first internship was at a drone technician company that produces drones that will be used for medical logistics and first response. During my internship, I researched a specific use case that had to do with transport of blood samples between a hospital and a laboratory during night shifts. Because this is a completely new technology, a lot of UX research needed to be done. I practiced field research in the hospital and laboratory by doing interviews and observations. Besides that, I researched the different systems that are used by the stakeholders so I could get an idea of how they could interact with each other during the process of transporting the drone. As a result of all the research, I created a user trip about the future scenario. My university graded this research with a 9. Scroll down to take a look.


Besides doing UX research, I also helped with creating media design in the company's brand style. One example is an infographic, that visually shows the advantages of using drones instead of small airplanes for certain use cases, like detecting wildfires. I created most of my designs during this internship with Adobe Illustrator.