Cut Your Groceries

Design Challenge

How can I help people waste less food through a design that uses image recognition?

Cut Your Groceries is an application which assists people in saving time and money by suggesting recipes based on the ingredients they already have at home. This approach also helps reduce the likelihood of discarding food items. The app offers over 200 million recipes and includes filter functions for 12 different allergies and 9 diets, ensuring a wide range of options for everyone. The user simply needs to take a photo of their available ingredients, which are then stored in the app.

When the user wants to cook, they can select the ingredients they want to use (such as items nearing their expiration date), and the app will provide recipe suggestions that incorporate those ingredients. By providing recipes within the app, Cut Your Groceries not only helps users overcome a lack of inspiration but also saves time by eliminating the need for manual recipe searching. By leveraging the ingredients already present in the user's home, the app helps users save money and reduces the likelihood of discarding (especially fresh) products. This approach encourages resourcefulness and minimises food waste.

Prototype: Cut Your Groceries

Image Recognition

Besides researching and creating a Hi-Fi prototype, I also experimented to make a proof of concept. Hereby I coded a simple screen that displays the main interactions. In this proof of concept it is possible to add groceries to the digital fridge with a self made trained model that recognises selected products. Once the digital fridge has the users’ products, the application can search for recipes with the products in the digital fridge (with an API that connects selected products to a database with 9.000.000 recipes).

Technical Experiment: Image recognition


Trend analysis
Usability Testing
Ethical Check
Creating Look & Feel
Design Patterns


Teachable Machine (Google AI Experiments)
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator


Creating Look & Feel


AI Image Recognition