Design Challenge
How can we create a platform that uses AI technology that matches skills from previous working (and educational experience) to technical jobs, so the energy transition will go faster?
Arbeidsmatchplatform, powered by partnerships with Alliander, Enexis, KPN, Stedin, TenneT, Van Gelder, and Van Voskuilen, is dedicated to facilitating individuals' transition into technical careers essential for driving the energy transition forward and fostering increased employment opportunities.
As a member of a collaborative team, I play a role in shaping the candidate flow of Arbeidsmatchplatform. Leveraging my expertise in prototyping, visual interface design, usability testing, A/B testing, and user research, I contribute to crafting a seamless user experience.
At the heart of Arbeidsmatchplatform's functionality lies an innovative AI matching technology. This system intelligently analyzes candidates' transferrable skills gained from their previous experiences, enabling precise and efficient matches with technical job opportunities.
I am proud to be part of a team driving positive change within career advancement, energy sustainability, and social impact.